Cellulite…the bane of a woman’s existence!

Cellulite is usually observed on the body as small, unattractive lumps on the skin but unfortunately, the problem is not just skin-deep.
In order to find a solution to this problem, it is important that you first find out the different cellulite causes and pinpoint exactly which one of these causes is responsible for your cellulite issues.

What Causes Cellulite?

We all know ‘what’ cellulite is. It’s the fatty deposits in the body that are frequently seen in the thigh and buttocks areas. Although anyone can have cellulite, women are at a greater risk because of the higher fat percentage in their bodies compared to men.

But what causes cellulite to form in the first place?

How come some people can be just a little overweight and have cellulite, while others who are bordering on obese don’t seem to have any cellulite at all?

The answer lies mostly in the ‘where’ the fatty deposits are located in the body. Even if you only have a little bit of fat in your body, the fats are very close to the surface of the skin, so the cellulite can be seen causing its usual lumps and bumps.

Cellulite causes are quite varied.


Some cases are due mainly to hereditary factors, in which case you might have inherited a cellulite problem from your parents. If your parent is covered in cellulite, then you probably will be too.

Genes can influence factors such as distribution of fat, metabolism rate, and circulation of the blood to susceptible areas, and irregular body functions such as poor blood circulation and slow metabolism have been frequently cited as causes of cellulite.


Other cases are a result of environmental factors. In most situations, however, the cellulite causes are a mix of many different factors.

Hormone Imbalance

Hormone imbalance is another cause. According to some studies, excessive amounts of insulin and estrogen in the body can lead to the formation of cellulite.

The female hormone, estrogen, together with catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline, insulin, prolactin, and some thyroid hormones are responsible for the production of fats that causes cellulite.

Diet and Lifestyle

Furthermore, you can also develop cellulite if you don’t exercise enough or if you don’t watch what you eat very carefully. Food rich in carbohydrates, fats, and low-fiber food increase fat storage in the body and causes cellulite.

Lifestyle is also believed to aggravate cellulite, such as stress, smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages. Plus, an unhealthy lifestyle can increase fat and salt content in the body which are considered the building blocks of cellulite.

Three Grades of Cellulite

Cellulite is divided into three categories depending on the appearance of the symptoms.

  1. No clinical or physical signs of having cellulite.
  2. A pale appearance can be seen in the affected area. You can also feel a low temperature in that specific area, followed by a loss or decrease of elasticity in the skin.
  3. Signs of skin pallor, low temperature, and loss of elasticity. Furthermore, the appearance of the skin becomes rougher and lumpy, similar to that of an orange or cottage cheese.

Females tend to have more cellulite due to the composition of the fats and connective tissues.

What’s the Best Cellulite Treatment?

It is only natural for people to want to find the best cellulite treatment because having cellulite can affect your self-confidence. Unfortunately, there really is no instant remedy to cellulite, regardless of what some advertisements might claim.

In order to get rid of cellulite you can try the following options:

Weight Loss

The fist one of course is lose weight if you must. Excess fats in the body are one of the most common reasons why cellulite problems get worse, or even develop in the first place. If you’ve noticed that cellulite is starting to form, you can still put a stop to it by trying to reduce weight as soon as possible.

Needless to say, skinny people get cellulite too, so this may not be your best option.


One method some people seek out is massage. A good massage with the use of special equipment is designed to help make the skin look smooth and healthy once again.

However, this method does not really get rid of the cellulite – it only moves it to a different area, and it only lasts for short periods of time. The lumps soon appear again. You can even rub your own problem areas for quick fixes.


It may seem logical to assume that liposuction would be one of the best cellulite treatments available but that isn’t necessarily true.
This rather common procedure only removes fat and does not do anything to cellulite at all. In fact, it can even make the cellulite more visible underneath the skin once all the excess fat has been removed from the body.

If all the fat is not removed evenly, the cellulite can look even more uneven. So try liposuction as a last resort, or if you need help getting rid of an extra amount of fat, perhaps give it a go.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy makes use of light that is focused on the cellulite in the body, quickly eliminating any signs of cellulite. The main downside to this treatment is the cost, which can reach up to several thousands of dollars. You would want to ask others who have tried it first before spending money on a treatment that may not be ‘permanent’.

If you are waiting to see if creams work, well the answer is a yes and a no. Some people say it’s the massaging that is making the skin look better, rather than the cream or lotion.

In many cases, a combination of a few of the above treatments is probably what will help the most.