Since the dawn of time, people have been obsessed with finding the fountain of youth and trying to stay one step ahead of the aging game.
Natural Skin Care
The ancient Egyptians named it “the plant of immortality” and over the years it’s become a go-to plant for many medicinal and…
Skin Type
Our skin is the wrapper that protects us from the world. It is also a major part of the “face” that we show to the world.
Cellulite…the bane of a woman’s existence! Cellulite is usually observed on the body as small, unattractive lumps on the skin but unfortunately, the problem is not just skin-deep. In order to find a solution to this problem,...
Tea Tree Oil for Skin Care
Tea tree oil is a powerful healing oil for many skin conditions. Its antiseptic abilities to treat wounds, kill numerous strains of viruses, fungi and bacteria is widely used by some medical doctors to replace ordinary prescriptions, especially if...
Your Skin Type
Our skin is the wrapper that protects us from the world. It is also a major part of the “face” that we show to the world. Our health and vitality, or lack of it, are displayed in our skin. The cosmetics industry is a...